Wk 4-Art activity-Architecture & Urban Planning

Evan Martinez
2 min readSep 20, 2020

First and foremost, I decided a plan view was the best way to illustrate my design for several reasons. Its simplicity and focus on the essentials leave the details for later as the goal is education. My design is based on a smaller more condensed campus. Although this seems counter intuitive amid a global pandemic, allow me to articulate my reasoning. The campus is smaller to force the school to accommodate fewer students; likewise, I found having multiple parking lots close to the major specific buildings will reduce the intermingling of persons with different majors. Although some persons may travel to different parts of campus, I believe an outbreak could be isolated. If there are limitations as who goes where only a few buildings would be infected instead of an entire campus. Although I hope something like this never happens, a contingency plan is necessary. I have also taken away a variety of services such as on campus housing, physical administration, and the library. These services which were cut are in the hope of removing the creation of high foot traffic areas. Returning to my emphasis on a smaller campus, it should be offered as an alternative to online classes, but spaces will be limited as the number of persons allotted into a classroom will be significantly reduced.

Although academic achievement is possible online, I will always voice my support for a physical setting. I think a school is a physical place for me because it has been for nearly 20 years of my life. It is for this reason I think myself and most people think school is a physical location. Therefore, the internet can only enhance the benefits of school and when I was on campus it did. But now I feel disconnected to a place I used to call home; if anything, I feel despite the internet’s attempts to provide a connection it just isn’t the same.

My design understands the current limitations on education, specifically the effect of coronavirus. Although it seems risky to attend a university now there are preventative measures which are applicable. I believe my version of campus would be possible if masks, temperature checks, and social distancing were enforced.

